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A Baseball Diamond of Love

A baseball diamond of love

Andrea & Curt – At Last 06.11.22

For what seems like an eternity, Curt & Andrea finally found a baseball diamond of love. Curt & Andrea travel to Philly baseball games together, coach their son’s Little League team, and fought through Covid restrictions for cheerleading practices for their daughter. When they aren’t playing with their children or at the beach, they love trying new food + restaurants.

One the day of the Schumucker’s wedding the forecast was a lot of sunshine and warm temps. The type of weather that makes Andrea smile. I met with Andrea at the Old City Hotel before their first look. We agreed on the beautiful staircase that incased the two of them perfectly. Waiting for Andrea to make her presence known at the top of the staircase. Curt was an excited husband to be.

After seeing each other for the first time, we headed over to Liberty Church located in downtown Williamsport. At Liberty church Andrea & Curt met their family and pastor to get some of their formal pictures out of the way. In a separate room, two stained glass windows let in the most gorgeous light and I knew Andrea needed to have her portraits done there.

Curt was sweating during the ceremony. Not because he was nervous, but because it was the hottest day of the year. Their ceremony filled the walls with laughter, oh so much laughter. A sand ceremony where they added sand together with their 3 children. Curt & Andrea said I Do and shared a selfie with their pastor.

Shortly after leaving Liberty Church, Andrea & Curt shared their first dance together on the porch of the Park Place Governors Mansion. Intimately danced together as husband and wife, filling the loved they have for each other, a baseball diamond of love. So I will end with this. With a name like Schmucker, it has to be love. Congratulation Andrea (Brittany iykyk) & Curt, may you always find a diamond, great food and a sandfilled beach. <3 Tash.

You can also see their styled shoot session from May 2020 here
and follow me on Instagram for more recent work at @tashapuckeyphotography

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